Nc Baptist

How NC Baptists ‘play ball’ as one team



Next week, N.C. Baptists will be gathering with partners from across the country to celebrate being on mission together as one team. In this episode, Executive Director-Treasurer Todd Unzicker highlights how we “play ball” together as we put the mission of the gospel first.   What does it look like for N.C. Baptists to play ball as one team? Here are four ways we partner together.   N.C. Baptists partner as one team to reach the lost near & far. God has given our churches a goal: to go and make disciples of all nations. We play ball together so that people across North Carolina and beyond can have a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. N.C. Baptists partner as one team to train disciples, churches & the next generation. Disciple-making is a core component of the Christian faith. We play ball together to train believers from all stages of life — from the youngest disciple to the most seasoned disciple-maker. N.C. Baptists partner as one team to send church planters through the local church. If