Car Rides With Little Miss Gigi

Elodie and the Glass Castle



Today's story is about a little girl called Elodie who finds out an amazing secret... Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a little girl and her name was Elodie. She lived in a simple village with her father, mother, and baby brother. Elodie’s favourite thing to do was read books, pick flowers in the butterfly meadow, and bake yummy treats with her best friend, Annie.  One day, Elodie and Annie were in the kitchen when her father burst through the wooden door. “Elodie!” he puffed, out of breath. “Where’s your mother?” Elodie stared at her father in surprise. He was holding a piece of parchment paper tightly in his hand.  “She’s gone to the market,” Elodie told her father.  Father spun around and rushed back out the door. “What was that all about?” asked Annie.  "I have no idea,” Elodie answered her friend. “I guess I’ll find out later.” That evening, the family was eating dinner when Father stood up.   “I have something to share,” he said, smiling at Elodie and at Mother, who was feedin