Kate Hastings Show

Pacing Your Healing: A Marathon, Not a Sprint



Welcome to "Pacing Your Healing: A Marathon, Not a Sprint," a podcast dedicated to those on their healing journey. Healing is a gradual process that requires patience, grace, and self-compassion. This podcast offers insights on navigating the path to recovery, addressing emotional dysregulation, negative self-concept, and hypervigilance. Reflecting on my own journey, I realized the importance of pacing yourself. Many, including myself, bring an all-or-nothing mentality to healing, setting unrealistic expectations and being hard on ourselves for setbacks. Imagine running a race for 30 years and reaching the finish line, only to start your healing journey. It's crucial to slow down and see things differently. True healing began for me when I reflected on my experiences with newfound appreciation. Life's ups and downs can be especially challenging when constantly vigilant. Operating outside our window of tolerance leads to exhaustion and hampers healing. Remember, healing is a marathon, not a sprint. There are n