Liquid Church

How to Be A Compassionate Person | Storyteller Part 4



Jesus often used parables—short stories with deeper spiritual meanings—to convey truths about the Kingdom of God. You may have heard of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. This is a story Jesus told to teach about compassion and kindness. In this story, a Jewish man was traveling when he was attacked by robbers. He was left hurt on the side of the road. We learn that both a priest and a temple assistant saw him, but they didn't help. They walked right past the injured man. Then, a Samaritan, who was usually at odds with Jewish people, saw the man and felt compassion. He helped the injured man by treating his wounds, taking him to an inn to rest and recover, and even paying for his care. Jesus used this story to show that a true neighbor is someone who HELPS OTHERS, no matter who they are. It teaches us that being kind and compassionate to everyone is important, even to those who are different from us.  #LoveYourNeighbor #Parables #LiquidChurch