Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S120 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - Funeral Instructions



Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 120 The Fox of The Arabs Funeral Instructions A sensible & wise person is he who prepares for contingencies, so how could a person neglect what is known to happen with certainty? I wonder at a person who publicises his lost property whilst he himself is lost. I wonder at a person who is frugal in spending his wealth although his whole life is wasted (Ibn Jawzee). Funeral Instructions Washed with normal water, then dried. Washed with pure water, then dried. Washed with water & camphor, then dried. Shrouded with 3 garments and loin-cloth tied firmly. No wailing nor praising allowed. Should be taken quickly. Grve to be filled evely. Spend an hour or so after burial to help with the interrogation.