Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

The Low Magnesium Low Thyroid Connection (PROTECT Your Thyroid)



Magnesium is incredibly important for thyroid function and, unfortunately, most thyroid patients aren’t getting enough. This is for 3 main reasons: 1. Thyroid dysfunction increases magnesium breakdown and excretion. In other words, thyroid problems promote the elimination of magnesium from your body. 2. Stress increases magnesium usage. Because thyroid dysfunction makes you more susceptible to stress, thyroid patients have a higher demand for magnesium compared to the average population. 3. Most people aren’t getting enough magnesium from their diet (about 80% or so). This has to do with the fact that magnesium is commonly found in plants and most thyroid patients are eating too much processed food. How can you fix this problem? By getting more magnesium from your diet and by taking additional magnesium supplements as needed. The three best magnesium supplements for hypothyroidism are... 1. Magnesium glycinate. 2. Magnesium citrate. 3. Magnesium l-threonate. Want to learn more about diffe