Wisdom For Working Mums

How to Enjoy Time, Stop Rushing and Get More Done!



Raising children whilst managing a career, running a house and trying to enjoy life means that most working mums are caught in a time trap. We’re either fighting time because there’s never enough of it! Running out of time, trying to find more time, or feeling guilty if we take any downtime. Our relationship with time can be one of the most difficult relationships we’ll ever have! If like me over your career you’ve probably read every time management book out there, been on a few productivity and time management training courses and tried numerous planning and diary management tools. Many of these approaches just give us a different way to write our to-do list and some give us another stick to beat ourselves up with for not being good enough at managing our time. Here at Wisdom For Working Mums we’re all about revolutionising how we approach motherhood, work and our lives so we can do it more sustainably and without losing our sanity. And today’s guest does just that and I’m really excited to share her an