Hills Review

Hills Review -- June 2024 -- Graduation Edition Part 1



It's Monday, June 10th, 2024 and welcome to this special graduation edition of Hills Review -- the High School East Student Podcast. As they eagerly await their future, several members of the Class of 2024 take time to glance back at the highlights of their time at High School East. Each day, we'll hear from three seniors. We begin with Alan Frankiewicz. Alan was a soccer player at East. Here, he reflects on his last home varsity soccer game, on senior night and the emotions of a good end to a rough season. Next, Tyler Varlack shares a story about traveling with the High School East band to a competition at Hershey Park in Pennsylvania. In today's final installment, Elias Floropoulos talks about getting his chance to play on the football team – and realizing that hard work really does pay off. Join us again tomorrow, as we hear more from this year's graduating seniors.