Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep2206: Quiet Time Coaching Episode 523 | New Creation Series — Part 15 | “New Creation - New Change Part 5” | Malcolm Cox



Introduction A new creation! I'm Malcolm Cox. Welcome to this series on ‘A new creation’. Today, another model that may help us understand how God changes us. This week we take a look at a model of spiritual growth put forward by James Bryan Smith. By the way, I heartily recommend his book, The Good and Beautiful God. You can also find helpful articles written by him on the Renovare site.  Smith's model is a variation on the model developed by Dallas Willard and Trevor Hudson in previous Quiet Time Coaching episodes.  We will focus on the key difference - 'Adopting the narratives of Jesus'. His key idea is that we have a narrative in our minds about how we are doing spiritually, who God is, how he views us, what he wants from us and how we grow. However, our narratives are not always accurate. Thus, it is critically important we allow the narratives of Jesus to shape our own.  "Our family, cultural and even religious narratives might have their roots in the kingdom of this world. As Christ-followers we