Albuquerque Business Podcast

The Secret to Unstoppable Success: Master Your Systems, Not Your Emotions (W. Edwards Deming's Legacy)



Every System is Perfectly Designed... To Change Your Perspective Have you ever found yourself caught in a cycle of frustration, questioning why you and your team keep hitting the same walls despite your best efforts? I've been there too, feeling the weight of repeated failures and the temptation to point fingers at myself or others. But then I came across a profound insight from W. Edwards Deming, a pioneer in quality management, who famously said, "Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets." This single statement has the power to transform how we, as self-aware leaders, approach our challenges in both business and life. The System is the Culprit, Not You Deming's quote is not about resigning to fate but rather a powerful invitation to adopt a systems thinking mindset. Here's a deeper dive into what this means: The System: This encompasses every aspect of our environment, from processes and procedures to our mindset and the overarching culture. It’s the complex web of interconnected fact