Cheri Hill Show

Michale J. Stewart & Kristine Caliger, Guinn Center



Data Driven. Independent. Non-Partisan. The Kenny Guinn Center for Policy Priorities is the only statewide nonprofit, nonpartisan policy research center addressing key challenges faced by policymakers and all Nevadans. Joining Cheri today is Kristine Caliger, Assistant Director and Michael Stewart, Research Director at the Guinn Center. Founded in 2014 by a group of Nevadans who sought to advance new policy choices based on sound research, sensible and pragmatic thinking, and bold ideas, the Guinn Center is named after the late Governor Kenny Guinn. Governor Guinn was a dynamic force for good in Nevada whose legacy of bipartisan problem-solving continues to inspire their mission today. Their staff researchers, together with academic partners and independent experts across the state, tackle policy issues from taxation to water use, healthcare to education and everything in between.