Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

Are gym letting their PT's down? & Q&A No. 148



Any advice on how to get a back and forth conversation going with busy clients who struggle to find time to really reflect and think about things? I like asking open questions in my check in feedback, to encourage clients to come up with their own solution to things, but I feel like a lot of the time, they struggle to find time to stop and think because they're always on the go I'm about to do a lead magnet which I think could be popular. How would you assess how many clients you could take on at one time? I currently have 15 clients face to face in a mixture of 1-1 and SGPT and 1 online client for a little context. How do you go about scheduling in holidays/time away from the business?. And, how much time should be spent looking at the bigger picture? Do you think gym classes are a great place to pick up clients or are they typically the members who won't pay for PTs, which is why they do the free classes? Describe to me one of the best coaching sessions you've delivered in your car