Whispering Pines Church

Stories for the Road: The Parables of Jesus. The Parable of The Sower – Luke 8



One interesting thing to note as we make our way through the parables of Jesus, is that some of His parables will trouble us more than others. You and I may be troubled by different parables. This week we turn to a parable that may be troubling for some – may raise issues that need to be addressed. The Parable of the Sower is one of Jesus’ more well-known parables, but I’m not convinced that it is always well-understood. This story gets into the messy idea of human beings receiving the gospel – as seeds fall upon various types of soil. But what is the point of this parable? What instruction do we gain from it? Join us as we explore the original intention of this parable, and what instruction it has for us today. -Pastor Nate Roschen