From A Woman's Perspective With Marilyn Weston

Celebrate The Good In Your Life



Darren Farwell of the Farwell Group give investment advice for retirement, tips so both of you feel comfortable with your plan and planner! Dr. Betty Rozendaal ND of Thornhill Naturopathic explains how to deal with Fibromyalgia naturally, Dr. Vivien Brown ” author  of “A Woman’s Guide to Healthy Aging” explains the sleep and heart connection and  Laurie Bell of Moving Seniors with a Smile speaks about when letting go feels hard Plus  get tips and happy stories from your team.. Realtor Melanie Martyn describes the life and properties north of Toronto, Daniel Wiskin, the Total Access Centre , Linda Miller, Misty River Introductions, matches in Covid times, Edmond Ayvazyan , Hearing Instrument Specialist, of Hearing Aid Source Centres, Christine the Health Coach – strength training Marilyn Wetston, the Wardrobe Doctor, Making the most of what you have So plan to join Marilyn and her team and be empowered by the experts “From a Woman’s Perspective”