From A Woman's Perspective With Marilyn Weston

Farewell Group's 5 Point Check List for Widows, Home Sharing, Weight Loss, and When to Stop Driving



Darren Farwell of the Farwell Group gives widows a 5 point check list for 2020, Dorothy Mazeau of Golden Girls Canada explains home sharing and how it provides an extended family, Dr. Betty Rozendaal ND talks weight loss, Dr. Vivien Brown discusses when to stop driving, plus enjoy happy stories from: - Real Estate Developer Harry Stinson - Matchmaker Linda Miller of Misty River Introductions - Daniel Wiskin, Accessibility expert of the Total Access Centre - Edmond Ayvazyan, Hearing Instrument Specialist, Hearing Aid Source Centre Marilyn Weston gives it to you straight “From a Woman’s Perspective” on Zoomer Radio each Saturday at 8am