The Rv Entrepreneur With Heath Padgett

Discovering Infinite Simplicity with Dave Berman - RVE #346



Dave Berman settled in Viet Nam after traveling the world on his Help the World Laugh Tour. He has since adopted the name ĐƠN GIẢN (pronounced Dun Za-an), which literally translates to "Simple" in Vietnamese. Throughout his journey he produced more than 1,000 videos of people laughing with him from all over the world - while posting a video every single day for nearly three and a half years. Dave is an author and coach who is now focused on helping others discover infinite simplicity as ĐƠN GIẢN. Join Jim as he takes a take a wild trip with his long-time friend through his "Simple Book of Infinity". This elegant presentation of thought provoking phrases will open your mind to the infinite supplies of creativity, potential, awareness, and yes laughter, that we all have within us. We can all discover these infinite possibilities and become the best we can be, IF – as ĐƠN GIẢN tells us – we learn to get out of our own way. To do that, he coaches people to become who they most want to be, wit