Ptm Radio



Subscriber-only episodeSend us a Text Message.Unlock the mystery of the ages as we traverse the spiritual timeline of the Church—have we remained in the Laodicean Age or stepped into the enigmatic Bride Age? Brother Branham's teachings serve as our map, offering insights that challenge widely held beliefs and provoke a deeper understanding of where we stand in this prophetic journey. In this episode, we dissect the concept of church ages with a focus on the Gentile dispensation and the rapture, while shedding light on the role of the overcomers who rise from each era. With Brother Branham's quotes as our guide, we seek to clarify scriptural truths and provide a lens through which to view the present and anticipated movements of the Bride of Christ.As we navigate this theological terrain, we're not just engaging in academic discourse—we're probing the living reality of a Bride poised for rapture. The conversation extends beyond historical analysis to address the immediate experiences of bel