Hills Review

Hills Review -- June 2024 -- Graduation Edition Part 5



It's Friday, June 14th, 2024 and welcome to this special edition of Hills Review. All this week we're hearing reflections from this year's graduates. We begin today's final segment with Andi Rallo, who reflects on the magic of the varsity soccer senior night. Next, Bisman Bedi describes what it was like getting up at 4:30 in the morning to make it to this year's senior sunrise. Finally, in the last segment of our special edition, Maya Sow remembers the first time she was able to cheer for High School East – and recalls the intense school spirit and joy of being a part of a great team. Hills Review is produced by members of the Podcasting and Filmmaking Club. If you're interested in contributing – and aren't graduating – see Mr. Beatty in room 216 in the fall. Thank you for listening – and the best of luck to the Class of 2024! Congratulations Seniors!