Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Making Momentum to Unleash Mental Clarity (Starting 75-Hard Today!) - #490



There is no doubt that I am leveling up in my life right now. I need to keep making decisions that will bless my Future Self on an INSANE level. Doing that will help me get to where I need to go (and where God has been preparing me for) MUCH FASTER. I have been better about editing past podcast interviews, writing more, and letting go of things outside of my control. I need to keep doing these things, and also add in other things to build me up further, so I am able to more help out others. Getting the audiobook for my first book is one of my next BIG steps for my growth, and having more mental clarity will help me get there. For that reason I am committing to 75-Hard. It is a mental fitness challenge that I believe is REALLY going to help me grow more.75-Hard includes daily:1. Drinking a gallon of water2. Doing Two 45-Minute Workouts (one has to be outside)3. Reading 10 Pages from a Non-Fiction Book4. Following a diet (no cheat meals allowed)5. Taking a progress picture.I've tried this a few times but w