California Underground

Ep. 262" Convo with Sheriff Bianco



Summary In this episode, Phil and Chad Bianco, the Sheriff of Riverside County, discuss the role of an elected sheriff and the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and civil unrest. Sheriff Bianco emphasizes the importance of being an elected official who answers to the voters rather than being appointed by politicians. He shares his experiences in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, including the quarantine of a plane from Wuhan, and his refusal to enforce certain restrictions that he believed violated people's constitutional rights. He also discusses the approach taken by the Riverside County Sheriff's Office in dealing with protests and riots, emphasizing the importance of protecting people's rights while maintaining public safety. In this conversation, Chad Bianco discusses the need to fix Prop 47, a ballot measure in California that has led to a rise in crime and public safety concerns. He emphasizes the importance of passing a new proposition to repeal or drastically change Prop 47, as