Kate Hastings Show

Trust Issues: What Destroys and Builds It



In this episode, I dive into the nitty-gritty of self-trust, which is so crucial for personal growth and well-being. Trusting yourself means having confidence in your abilities, judgments, and decisions. But let's be real, why is it often so tough to trust ourselves? What behaviors are secretly undermining our confidence and integrity? I’ll unpack the foundations of self-trust, like self-reliance, self-integrity, self-honesty, self-compassion, and self-confidence. These are the building blocks that help you trust yourself more deeply. I'll get into the common culprits that destroy self-trust: self-sabotage, perfectionism, seeking external validation, neglecting self-care, negative self-talk, and ignoring your intuition. These behaviors can really erode your sense of self-worth and make it hard to trust your own judgment. I'll also touch on factors that influence self-trust, such as fear of failure or rejection, low self-esteem, and past trauma. These issues can create barriers that make trusting yourself feel