Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Unlock Kryst Codes: Prepare for the Solstice Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation + 528 Hz | Ep 408



Prepare for Solstice: Unlock the Kryst Codes, connect with upcoming Solstice with Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation + 528 Hz: The episode delves into the mystical significance of the upcoming solstice and the activation of Kryst Codes. Here are the key points: 1.    Kryst Codes Activation: The solstice brings a powerful alignment of the organic Ascension stargates and Mother Plasma flows. Kryst Codes: These Divine Codes from the Rays of Creation, the field from which everything emerges, are living multidimensional code. A profound gift for ascending hearts and our divine DNA, directly impact our DNA. They accelerate our transformation and amplify heart-generated realities. Our DNA serves as the blueprint for our experiences, and when activated by Kryst Codes, it enables organic reality creation linked to our I AM Presence. 2.    Energetic Shifts: Gaia’s multidimensional Crystalline core channels faster and purer plasma due to intense cosmic forces interacting with our Hearts, Crystalline DNA,