Conversation Street

Iain MacLeod Retrospective



Last Wednesday marked the first time that Iain MacLeod was not listed as Corrie's producer since he took over the reins from Kate Oates in late 2018. With the episodes going forward now bearing wife Verity's name, soon to be replaced by that of incoming producer Kate Brooks, Iain's time at the top on Corrie is finally at an end. Well, unless you count his promotion to Executive Producer, but that's another story... For this week's bonus podcast, we reflect on the five and a half years that Iain was in charge of steering the Good Ship Corrie, chatting about the highs and lows when it comes to stories, characters and general production. How will his time as producer be remembered? What are some hallmarks of the MacLeod era? What were his biggest hits and most disappointing misses? We discuss all this and more in this bumper of a bonus podcast!