Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: The politicisation of city designs is why nothing ever happens anymore



So I went to a party at the weekend. Quite a swanky one. Negronis and burgers and all sorts of people. Judges and doctors and advertising people and even musicians.  An old mate was there, a card-carrying lefty.  We're chatting and he says he's part of an urbanism group. Studying and advocating for urban development, and he says, "you right-wing ZB types would hate it."  So I said, "I beg your pardon?"  What part of having a well-designed and functional city is either left-wing or right-wing? It's not about politics it's about practicality. Who doesn't want a functioning public transport system? Who doesn't want accommodation solutions for the poor and the young so they don't have to leave the cities for a house? By the way right-wingers love trains. Mussolini made them run on time.  The politicisation of city designs is why nothing ever happens anymore and our cities just get worse and worse.  So it was good to open the paper on Sunday and see the Auckland mayor talking about that city's abortive light rail