Collège De France (général)

Conférence - Harold E. Varmus : How Can Science and Its Benefits Be Shared Globally? How Medical Science Can Be Used in Developing Countries



Edith HeardCollège de FranceEpigénétique et mémoire cellulaireCours 2023-2024Conférence - Harold E. Varmus : How Can Science and Its Benefits Be Shared Globally? How Medical Science Can Be Used in Developing CountriesHarold E. VarmusPrix Nobel de physiologie ou médecineRésuméIn the final lecture, I will talk about the ways in which parts of the scientific enterprise are trying to create a world in which the opportunities to be a scientist and to share the benefits of science are available everywhere. I will talk about several initiatives, supported by governments or philanthropies, that either promote science as a global activity or improve access to advances in health care made possible by science. The initiatives will include examples funded by the US government, French-American collaborations, the World Health Organization, and others, to reduce the toll taken by malaria, cancers, and other diseases.