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TMHS 802 - Why Childhood Illnesses Are Skyrocketing & How to Raise Healthy Kids in Our Modern World - With Dr. Joel Gator



Over the last few decades, the rates of chronic illness and obesity in children have skyrocketed. Some folks argue that this is due to increased awareness and testing – but what is really contributing to increased childhood illnesses? And more importantly, what can we do about it? That’s exactly what you’re going to learn on today’s show.  Today’s guest is Dr. Joel “Gator” Warsh, a board-certified integrative pediatrician and author of the new book, Parenting at Your Child’s Pace. He’s joining us on this episode of The Model Health Show for an important conversation on the increasing rates of childhood illnesses, simple dietary swaps for healthier kids, and how to make more informed parenting decisions.  You’re going to learn about making more confident parenting choices, and how to navigate the landscape of childhood health and lifestyle choices. Dr. Joel “Gator” Warsh has an extensive knowledge base, as well as invaluable experience on what it takes to create healthy, thriving children. If you’re ready to f