The topic of tonight’s show gives us the ability to travel, to feed ourselves and to play water sports. Tonight’s theme is none other than the sea. We start out the show with a reading from Gabriel Veiga of Peter and the parrot. The tale was first selected for Bernard’s rendez-vous. Afterward, Paula Henriquez-Karmis recites an adaptation of the musical tale Bonjour petite baleine, originally written by Achim Bröger and Brigitte Sourisse and adapted for Radio-Dodo at Muzimonde by Nathaly Pasieczny and Chantale Morin. It was initially performed by Nathaly and her students Romane Larin-Morisset, Margot Forgues et Lou Brasset on Radio-Dodo’s French program. For this iteration of the tale, Paula translated and recited the story, but the songs were kept intact in their original French language. At last, Paula will also read a poem titled The tide rises, The tide falls from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. See you soon.