The Sonya Looney Show

Quick Study: Powering Up with a Plant-Based Diet



Welcome to a new series called “Quick Study." Today we’re diving into how a plant-based diet can significantly boost your longevity and vitality. If you are an avid listener, you know this is one of my favorite topics. So, I was excited to reference conversations with two experts Brenda Davis and Dr. Michael Greger, as we unpack the benefits of filling your plate with plant-based proteins. You'll learn how easy meeting your daily protein needs can be with a whole food plant-based diet—your ticket to sustainable weight loss and warding off diseases. Get ready to be inspired and learn practical tips for powering your life with plants! KEY TAKEAWAYS: Replacing just 3% of calories from animal protein with plant protein can lower mortality risk by 10% according to NIH research. Meeting recommended daily protein intake through a variety of whole plant foods like legumes, nuts and seeds is important for health and well-being. Small shifts towards plant-based protein sources can make a big impact on health outcomes