
PlanningxChange 118: YIMBY Melbourne: Build, Baby, Build



In PX118 our guests are Jonathan O’Brien and Jonathan Nolan of YIMBY Melbourne. Details of YIMBY Melbourne are at YIMBY Melbourne seeks a ‘People-led’ ‘Grassroots’ ‘For Housing Abundance.’  The YIMBY website states: ‘A better Melbourne is possible. A Melbourne that is affordable, liveable, and sustainable. A city that is walkable, accessible, and which gives everyone access to the amenity-rich areas that make living here so special. Creating housing abundance will take a lot of work. It will require reform across planning, governance, and taxation. It will force us to take a serious look at how we use, value, and control the use of land in this city. The two Jonathan’s outline the problems with the current planning system and how this leads to disadvantage, exclusion and a lack of new housing. They propose various measures that can redress the problems. They also call for volunteers to assist the cause. An engaging interview with dedicated activists who have created a new third par