Professional Book Nerds

Ep. #95 - Big Library Read is back and we're talking Pie with Kate McDermott



On today's episode Adam and Jill are celebrating the upcoming launch of the latest Big Library Read event by chatting with Kate McDermott, author of Art of the Pie, which was selected as the eBook readers around the world will be reading at the same time starting March 16th as part of the largest digital book club on earth. Kate shared how she got started baking and how she makes her living in the world of Pie. We have been craving sweets ever since so apologies in advance if you do as well. You can learn more about this reading event at   Say Hello! Find OverDrive on Facebook at OverDriveforLibraries and Twitter at @ProBookNerds. Email us directly at   Music "Buddy" provided royalty free from   Podcast Overview We're not just book nerds: we're professional book nerds and the staff librarians who work at OverDrive, the leading app for eBooks and audiobooks available through public libraries and schools. Hear about the be