Professional Book Nerds

Ep. #19 -- If Books Be the Food of Love, Read On! Celebrating #Shakespeare400



Episode Overview: 400 years ago this month, William Shakespeare shuffled off this mortal coil but the show must go on, so OverDrive's Professional Book Nerds are discussing the man behind the myth in our latest episode. We also talk about whether or not it really matters if William Shakespeare actually wrote all of the plays attributed to him. After all, what's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Regardless of reading choices, remember -- when the question is asked To Read Or Not To Read, the answer should always be to read! Along with doing some Shakespeare fangirling, we cover all of the books we've recently read, some of the upcoming books we are (not so) patiently waiting for, and also offer tips on getting through book ennui.  If you have a favorite Shakespeare play and/or modern adaptation, please feel free to let us know at    Featured OverDrive Staff: Jill and Liz   Intro (0:00-1:56)   Recent Reads: (1:57-17:09) Take Me Home C