Beyond The To-do List

Todd Henry on Creativity, Productivity and Passion



Todd Henry, author of The Accidental Creative and the founder and CEO of Accidental Creative, a company that helps creative people and teams be prolific, brilliant and healthy. He regularly speaks and consults with companies about how to develop practices that lead to everyday brilliance. His new book is Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day. Tweetable quotes from this episode (click to tweet): To experience great ideas consistently, you have to be purposeful in how you structure your life. - @ToddHenryClick To TweetA creative is anyone who has to turn their thoughts into value. - @ToddHenryClick To TweetWe sacrifice long term effectiveness on the altar of short term efficiency. - @ToddHenryClick To TweetYou have all these great ideas, that’s fine, but how do you bend your life and work around what matters to you? - @ToddHenryClick To TweetToday is not a rehearsal. Are you spending your life in a manner that later you will be proud of? - @ToddHenryClick To TweetThe big problems won’t be solved by people