Beyond The To-do List

Robert D. Smith on Motivation, Defeating Fear, and Doing the Work



Robert D. Smith has managed and overseen the career of Andy Andrews, a three-time New York Times best-selling author and in-demand speaker. He has served as a private consultant to numerous best-selling authors, speakers, entertainers, and cutting edge organizations, educating them on the unique methods he has employed to sustain massive success and growth across multiple industries for his entire career. Robert is the author of 20,000 Days and Counting: The Crash Course for Mastering Life Right Now, a simple guide to injecting meaning into every second you live for the rest of your life. Covered in this episode: Eat dessert first! The myth of motivation The easy way to stop feeling overwhelmed Two questions that replace any to-do list: “What’s important NOW?” “What’s NEXT?” Eating No’s for Breakfast Defeating Fear Inoculation to Rejection Andy Andrews – The Traveller’s Gift Make sure to grab Robert’s book! Click to tweet these quotes: We don’t sing because we’re happy, we are happy because we sin