Fx Medicine Podcast Central

REPLAY: Asthma, inflammation, nutrition, and the lung biome with Dr Michelle Woolhouse and Professor Lisa Wood



Join Professor Lisa Wood, Head of School of Biomedical Science at the University of Newcastle, and our ambassador Dr Michelle Woolhouse for a conversation on asthma and lung health. Together they discuss the impacts of fibre, prebiotics, and the inconclusive research on omega-3s in the treatment of inflammatory lung conditions. The intrinsic link between the lung and gut microbiome is also explored, as well as the impact of air pollution and diet on asthma, and the role of saturated fat in inflammation. The importance of fibre in reducing lung inflammation and the emerging research on modulating the gut microbiome to influence the lung microbiome are also discussed. Solutions to asthma management are discussed, which include encouraging patients to consume a high antioxidant, fruit and vegetable-rich diet and exercise to reduce inflammation. Finally, the impact of obesity on asthma symptoms and steroid effectiveness are covered, stressing the need for a healthy weight. Find today's transcript and show no