Ptm Radio



Subscriber-only episodeSend us a Text Message.Ever wondered if the great prince Michael mentioned in Daniel 12 is more than he seems? Discover how Brother Branham identifies Michael as a theophany of Christ, standing for the people during the great tribulation, and what that means for Jewish and Gentile believers alike. This episode uncovers Paul's teachings in Ephesians, revealing how Gentiles are brought near to inherit the promises of God, and analyses the prophetic timeline, the resurrection of the righteous and wicked, and the sealing of the book until the end times, characterized by increased knowledge and travel. You'll be captivated by the striking parallels between Daniel's vision and the Book of Revelation, shedding light on the eventual fulfillment of these prophecies.Join us as we unpack the crucial roles of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers in perfecting the saints and building up the body of Christ. Learn how the ministry of the Word, restored by the prophet o