Starseed Radio Academy

Jeshua, Mary Magdalene and Starseeds in South France



In April of 2024, a group of starseeds who met at the starseed quests, went to South France after Angela Franks (a Starseed Quest alumni), received divine guidance from Goddess to go.  It was nearly a year after receiving the guidance to go, that the trip came to fruition. Eight starseeds made the journey, from Ireland,  England and the US meeting in France to honor Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, the Essenes and Cathars.  Their journey spanned the Languedoc region as well as Marseille and surrounding sites. Intense inner preparation happened for each person prior to the trip. The journey was clearly and divinely guided. Each starseed carried a unique power of presence, synergizing a group dynamic that catalyzed a magical and powerful journey. The experience married both challenge and magic, calling each member to step into their next level of personal evolution! They realized they were following THE WAY to their inner self love as well as unconditional love for each other, mirroring THE WAY of the Essenes and Cathar