Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Organizing your Business to Make Sense of Your Life with Miriam Ortiz y Pino



Have you ever paused to consider why you feel overwhelmed at work, with your kids, in your community, and in life overall? Perhaps it's time to declutter your mind, home, and life. For many of us, the thought of releasing old patterns, possessions, and mindsets can be daunting. That’s why I’ve invited today’s guest, who will help you uncover what’s holding you back. Tune in to discover more...    Joining us is Miriam Ortiz y Pino, a Certified Professional Organizer®, Simplicity Expert, Money Breakthrough Business Coach, Entrepreneur, Writer, and Creator of The Streamlined Solution. Miriam is trained in Workplace Productivity, Residential Organizing, the Courageous Coaching Method, Fire Starter Sessions, Sacred Money Archetypes, and Money Breakthrough Business Coaching.    In our conversation, Miriam and I explore:     - Mastering the art of discernment in business, relationships, and finances   - Uncovering true desires hidden beneath superficial wants   - The importance of decluttering your thoughts,