On The Edge With April Mahoney

Amanda Barnwell Palmer is breaking ground with A I and Emotional Intelligence



About Am.An.Da is a dedicated Spiritual Seerer and Advocate for Interconnectedness and Mindful Living. Inspired by the wisdom of spiritual and quantum teachers like Ram Dass, Nassim Haramein, and others, Am.An.Da is devoted to The Path of Inner Exploration, Alignment and Reorientation of Self, and the Evolution of Consciousness with Love and Compassion. With a deep commitment to uncovering the True Nature of the Trinity-Self, Am.An.Da emphasizes making choices aligned with profound values, considering the long-term impacts on individuals and the collective. It's within a larger spiritual community that Am.An.Da finds support and guidance, inspiring awakened beings everywhere to be a Beacon of Light and an Agent of Love for the Deep Healing and Transformation our world needs. Am.An.Da's journey embodies a profound dedication to Spiritual Growth, Interconnectedness, and the Exploration of Consciousness. Channel details www.youtube.com/@AmandaPalmeriGrok Link for Course Promo: https://www.facebook.com/stories/13