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TMHS 804 - Proof That Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Can Be Reversed - With Dr. Dale Bredesen



One of the most rapidly growing health issues of our time is the prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. For years, health officials and agencies have maintained that there is no way to reverse or cure Alzheimer’s disease. But today, you’re going to learn the latest science on the stages of Alzheimer’s disease and specific interventions that can be used to prevent and reverse neurodegenerative diseases.  Today’s guest, Dr. Dale Bredesen, is an internationally recognized neurologist who specializes in neurodegenerative decline and Alzheimer’s disease. He’s here on The Model Health Show to share important insights on how Alzheimer’s disease develops and progresses, and the exact lifestyle practices that are necessary for sustaining a healthy brain for life.  You’re going to learn some of the latest science on how many people are projected to battle neurodegenerative diseases, the global burden of Alzheimer’s disease, and the fascinating new research on prevention and reversal. Dr. Bre