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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 20 | Maturity



In the final episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches that maturity is the sixth defense in guarding against deception, especially in the Christian faith. One of the primary reasons many people depart from the faith is immaturity - being carnally minded and lacking spiritual discernment.How can professing Christians embrace immorality, vote for leaders who oppose biblical values, and support unbiblical ideologies that celebrate sinful behaviors? The root cause of this departure often lies in a lack of genuine salvation and spiritual rebirth. Some attend church and try to live a moral life, mistakenly believing that this alone secures their salvation. True Christianity, however, involves a spiritual transformation through being born again, with God's Spirit dwelling within and empowering a new life in Christ.Even among those genuinely born again, many fail to transition from being new converts to becoming mature disciples of Christ. They remain spiritual infants, unable to properly understand and