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TMHS 805 - How Your Environment Can Cause Dementia & Cognitive Decline - With Max Lugavere



Rates of dementia are skyrocketing in the US and across the world. Losing cognitive function is one of the scariest experiences a person can have, and it’s especially devastating for the patient’s loved ones. What can we do to help fewer families experience the heartbreak of dementia? That’s exactly what you’re going to learn on this episode.    Today, health and science journalist Max Lugavere is back on The Model Health Show. He’s here to share enlightening facts on how environmental factors can influence your risk of developing dementia. You’re going to learn how things like exposure to air pollution, microplastics, and ultra-processed food can impact cognitive function over time.    Max is also sharing exciting details about his new documentary, foods to avoid for better brain health, and his personal experience of having a loved one go through dementia. His passion for this topic is palpable, and we can all take these tips to heart. I hope you enjoy this conversation with the one and only, Max Luga