Ptm Radio



Subscriber-only episodeSend us a Text Message.How does the prophetic ministry of Elijah intertwine with the revelation of the Son of Man? Join us as we unveil this profound connection, analyzing the significance of "Son of Man" as a messianic title for Jesus Christ and its prophetic implications. By dissecting key biblical passages, including Jesus' encounters with the Samaritan woman and Nathanael, we reveal how Jesus' prophetic gifts authenticated His messianic identity. We also discuss Jesus’ chilling warning about the future longing for the days of the Son of Man, emphasizing the global scope of this revelation.In our next segment, we delve into the crucial end-time ministry of Elijah, viewed as a last beacon of grace before impending judgment. Drawing parallels with the days of Noah, we underscore the urgency and significance of Elijah’s message in Malachi 4. We also explore the controversial belief that William Marion Branham fulfilled this prophetic role, delivering a vital message