"tapp" Into The Truth

The Fight for Liberty Online: AI, Social Media, Journalism & Government Coercion



Since ChatGPT's release, artificial intelligence has moved from being mostly a science fiction plot device to being front and center in the business world and a discussion topic for the majority of people worldwide. Keith Hanson, CEO of QUX Technologies and veteran law enforcement expert, joined me to discuss the current threat level of AI and how QUX Technologies works to provide and protect personal liberty online. Jason Sheppard, founder of Wimkin social media, joined me to discuss the expected fallout from the Murthy v. Missouri ruling, his thoughts on the Julian Assange plea deal, and updates on WIMKIN, Date On The Right, and The Fentanyl Test. Ron Edwards, host of The Ron Edwards American Experience radio show, joined me to talk about his thoughts on the Trump/Biden Presidential debate and recent SCOTUS-released opinions: Murthy v. Missouri, the Grants Pass, Oregon case, the Joseph Fischer "Obstruction of an Official Proceeding" J6 overcharge case, and possibly the most important for restoring the Repub