Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP453 The Role of Law with Gina Godbehere – Originally Aired 6.28.24



Our guest today is Gina Godbehere. Gina is a 4th generation Arizonan and is a 2024 Candidate for AZ Maricopa County Attorney. With over 25 years of experience in the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, serving as a Bureau Chief and trial attorney in assignments including Juvenile, Gang, Homicide, and the Repeat Offender Unit, Gina has a wealth of experience and is seeking to be elected to Serve as the County Attorney of the largest County in AZ. 1) Politics can be a real snakepit. And AZ Politics have gotten particularly dramatic over the past few years. What is it that makes you want to toss your name into that arena? 2) What is the role of the County Attorney's Office? 3) On your website you specifically mention that AZ needs a more strict enforcement of gun possession laws. Tell our audience how your role as MCA will impact responsibly armed citizens. The increase in gun crimes, especially among youth, calls for strict enforcement of gun possession laws. This is vital not just for immediate safety, but al