
417: Devotional Discipline, the Power of Tapas | Niyamas Series



This episode is Part 8 of our 10-part snack-sized Yoga philosophy series on the Yamas and Niyamas. Tapas is the third Niyama and it traditionally translates to discipline.We go far deeper into these Philosophies inside our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. You can learn more about our MerryBody Yoga Teacher Training program over here. If this series sparks your interest we'd encourage you to follow that spark... you never know where it may lead you!This is what we spoke about during the episodeSometimes the word "discipline" comes with negative connotations, so we like to add in "devotional discipline". Even when we're practising discipline, we need an element of love, compassion and forgiveness.Tapas is required if you would like to welcome any kind of change.Things are not always pleasant, but we have to move through those obstacles in order to keep going forward.In regards to MerryBody, Tapas is not just about being disciplined, but it's about how we do the things that we're being disciplined with.Tapas isn'