Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 535 Happy Fourth of July! Now Get Outside



Happy Fourth of July! It is time to get outside, and here is why! In today’s podcast Dr. Bray is sharing recent data that reveals a significant decline in face-to-face socializing, especially among American men and teenagers. Analysis by The Atlantic's Derek Thompson shows that American men engage in one-third less face-to-face social interactions than twenty years ago, while teenagers' in-person socializing has nearly halved since 2003. This reduction has serious mental health implications, contributing to increased rates of loneliness, anxiety, and depression among young adults. The rise of digital communication has made virtual interactions more accessible but has also created barriers to essential face-to-face developmental experiences. Neuroscience highlights that our brains are wired for social interaction, and a lack of it can impede critical social skill development. To counteract this trend, Dr. Bray is discussing why it is essential to encourage young people to venture beyond their digital comfort z