Western Hills Church Of Christ, Temple




Scripture:  Mark 6:30-44 Speaker:  Grant Perkins, Preaching Intern Summary: The sermon begins with Grant reflecting on his experience as a fraternity chaplain, highlighting the challenge of fulfilling promises due to various constraints like time and resources. The central theme is the tendency to use "I don't have enough" as an excuse to avoid stepping into needs and ministry opportunities. The message draws a parallel with the story from Mark 6:30-44, where Jesus feeds 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish, emphasizing that Jesus's provision redefines what's possible. The disciples' initial doubt is contrasted with Jesus's ability to provide abundantly. The message encourages believers to trust in Jesus's provision and not let perceived shortages hinder their willingness to serve and meet needs, urging them to embrace ministry opportunities boldly and rely on Jesus to provide.