Yoga | Birth | Babies

[REVISIT] Safer Than You Think: Pregnancy After 35 with Dr. Nicole Rankins OB/GYN



Did you know that the number of babies born to first time parents in the US who are over 35 has been steadily increasing? I see countless parents in the PYC community (including myself) have their first child over 35. So why have we heard that it’s difficult and more dangerous to conceive after 35? What happens (or doesn’t happen) at 35 to the body and how might this affect your pregnancy and birth? To answer this question I invited Dr. Nicole Rankins back to Yoga|Birth |Babies. This is my third episode with Dr. Rankins. She’s an incredible guest. As an OB/GYN she’s helped over 1,500 babies into the world. She also has an amazing podcast All About Pregnancy & Birth that I turn to for grounded scientific information that feels like it’s coming from a dear friend. In today’s episode Dr. Nicole and I talk about the risks and benefits of having babies over 35. We talk about fertility, how care may or may not be different for those over 35, and how managed or not managed your birth may need to be. Dr. Nicole dis