Yoga | Birth | Babies

Why You Should Pay Attention to Endocrine Disruptors with Sarah Thompson



Have you considered how your endocrine system might affect your fertility or pregnancy?  Today we dive into the topic of endocrine disruptors and how they may adversely affect your system.   Although these endocrine disruptors are everywhere in our environment, the good news is there are ways to limit your exposure.  Our guest today shares practical tips that you can use immediately to limit your exposure to these environmental factors.  She gives great advice on how to find a healthy balance that will benefit your family and the next generation.   To have this conversation, we welcome Sarah Thompson on this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies.  Sarah is a board-certified diplomat of oriental medicine, certified functional medicine practitioner, and birth doula. She is also the author of Functional Maternity – Using Functional Medicine and Nutrition to Improve Pregnancy and Childbirth Outcomes. Sarah recommends that parents should try to control what they can in their environment and let go of what they cannot contr