Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/8/24



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party is about party first. When we listen to the debate about President Biden staying in the race or not, the issue is never what’s best for the country. Kamala Harris must not be the Democrat nominee should Biden drop out. She has spent 4-years covering up Biden's dementia. She has been a loyal propagandist, repeatedly lying to the American people about Biden's fitness, sharpness, wisdom, decision-making, etc. The indisputable fact is that our Constitution cannot properly work when the vice president is nothing more than a self-serving, dishonest, reliable propagandist for an incapacitated president. The 25th amendment was drafted, adopted, and ratified to specifically address, among other things, a situation just like this – that is, where the president is not able to competently undertake his immensely important duties, which are uniquely vested in the office of the presidency. The vice president has known his condition. But she has put her own political ambitions